Royalty Online Services User Guide – Mineral return

Royalty Online Services (ROS) is a service that allows an authorised person to electronically lodge a mineral royalty return directly to Revenue NSW. ROS also allows for the payment of Royalty to Revenue NSW.

ROS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and allows users to lodge and manage their royalty returns in an authenticated and secure online environment.

This user guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to lodge a mineral return.

7. Enter production/deduction

From the Return summary screen, select “Edit” next to the lease/mineral to open the “Lease details” screen.

  1. Enter the tonnes and values for Ore and Concentrates produced.
  2. Enter the tonnes and values for “Sales” and “Disposals”.

Note: When a quantity is entered, a figure must be entered in the Value column (the value may be zero). You will receive a validation error if the Value field is left blank.

  1. Enter “Closing” and “Opening stock”.

The Lease details screen in Royalty Online Services.

  1. In the Deductions section of the return, enter the appropriate “Deductions”, and ROS will calculate the royalty due.

The Deductions screen in Royalty Online Services.

  1. Check the “Royalty” value is correct.
  2. Select “Save”

The “Return summary” screen (below) will now show the new royalty value for the return that has been edited.

The Return summary screen in Royalty Online Services.

Repeat steps above for any other leases/minerals to be edited.

When finished, select “Next”.